
People playing PokemonGo in anytime and everywhere. I do not understand the reason until I download the game. I would like to capture the photo when I catch the pokemon.

However, the nightmare is coming just now. I spent amount of time to play this game. Although I have a lot of works to do, I still play this game. Also, I do not get enough sleep because of PokemonGo.

Recently, I am facing a big problem. I cannot find the folder which has screen captures of PokemonGo!!! When I feel disappointed, my boss saves my life. It is because he solve the same problem.

He recommend me to use the electronic document management system. It will put all of data at the fingertips and find what I need at the click of a mouse or the tap of a touch-screen. Also,I could edit and search documents, all from the same window. Details:

Now, we are going to catch Dragonite. Gotcha!


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